Search for tag: "access"
Student Service Appreciation MonthWe believe in preparing our students to achieve their goals. So, let's take some time to celebrate the teams that make that happen! Every year, we take the month of October to celebrate our…
From Taylor Ingles
6 plays
OERs at ACEPresentation provided during a faculty meeting about OERs. Please see Attachments for a full transcript.
From Meg Alexander
10 plays
How to Find an E-Book in the ACE LibraryQuick instructions on locating E-Books using the ACE Library. Please click the Download tab to download the transcript or a PDF tutorial. ** Updated 4/8/22
From Meg Alexander
635 plays
How to Find an Article in the ACE LibraryQuick instructions for finding an article using the ACE Library. Please click the Attachments tab to download the full transcript or a PDF tutorial. ** Updated 4/5/22
From Meg Alexander
1,819 plays