Trending This Week
6,690 playsTheoretical frameworks exist to connect concepts and topics relevant to your research to broader areas of knowledge. While there is no one right theoretical framework…
15,766 playsAction researchers not only select quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-method methodology, they also decide the type of study or strategy of inquiry. These strategies…
13,563 playsThe collection of accurate data is the single most important component of systematic inquiry. Varied data collection instruments yield reliable, valid data when…
5,347 playsTheories vary by discipline. Education-related disciplines use many of the same theories as other social sciences.
11,907 playsAction research involves researchers as active participants who study a problem and select a solution in their own workplaces. It gives voice to participants who…
5,420 playsScholarly research relies on a strong foundation. What has already been discovered about a topic as found in the literature provides important material. The…
12,011 playsResearch is the systematic process of collecting and analyzing data for some purpose. This definition is general because several methods are available to investigate…
4,670 playsScholars synthesize by presenting information from other sources in an integrated fashion. More sophisticated than paraphrasing, synthesis involves assigning value to…
5,730 playsTriangulation is a method used by researchers to increase the credibility and validity of their studies. This presentation defines types of triangulation and how to…
1,839 playsGenerative leadership is a development strategy focusing on co-creating leadership practices within and across an organization. Generative leadership is centered…