00:30duration 30 seconds
Crystal Neumann loves serving her community
From Taylor Ingles
00:55duration 55 seconds
Field Marketing- Student Service Appreciation…
Field Marketing- Student Service Appreciation Month
00:28duration 28 seconds
Shannon Penrose Month of Impact
01:09duration 1 minute 9 seconds
Registration- Student Service Appreciation Month
00:54duration 54 seconds
Finance- Student Service Appreciation Month
01:07duration 1 minute 7 seconds
College Support Services- Student Service…
College Support Services- Student Service Appreciation Month
01:18duration 1 minute 18 seconds
Admissions- Student Service Appreciation Month
Student Services- Student Service Appreciation…
Student Services- Student Service Appreciation Month
01:14duration 1 minute 14 seconds
Enrollment- Student Service Appreciation Month
00:46duration 46 seconds
Faculty- Student Service Appreciation Month
01:08duration 1 minute 8 seconds
Student Service Appreciation Month
00:37duration 37 seconds
Crystal Neumann discusses captaining the ACE Indy…
Crystal Neumann discusses captaining the ACE Indy Heart Walk Faculty team
00:49duration 49 seconds
Sara Reichard, ACE faculty, wants to see her…
Sara Reichard, ACE faculty, wants to see her students succeed (vertical)
01:22duration 1 minute 22 seconds
Nick Lee discusses the student experience
00:34duration 34 seconds
Nick Lee discusses working remote at ACE
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