| 1,109 1,109 playsSelf-reflection involves the analysis of performance incorporating the goals that existed and challenges that may have arisen along the way. Reflection also includes…
| 1,298 1,298 playsSocio-cognitive theories include the idea of self-regulation. That through analysis, motivation, self-control, and reaction we accomplish tasks. Successful graduate…
| 1,051 1,051 playsScholarly writing contributes to the discourse around topics, issues, and even controversies. Effective communication through text allows you to participate in the…
| 966 966 playsReading, ingesting, and using feedback to improve your writing is a challenging process. It’s natural to see some feedback as criticism. Learning to use…
| 2,366 2,366 playsAs you develop your scholarly voice, you build skills related to your own writing, and the evaluation of the work of others. Good feedback leads to better products.…
| 2,850 2,850 playsThe theoretical framework developed for your dissertation connects your study to the topic and the larger field. This framework may be an existing theory or a…
| 3,376 3,376 playsAs the researcher, you play an integral role in your dissertation study. Understanding your position, your assumptions, your way of knowing informs your work.…
| 2,583 2,583 playsTheoretical frameworks serve as the foundation for your dissertation study. They inform your research questions, design choices, and analysis.
| 4,670 4,670 playsScholars synthesize by presenting information from other sources in an integrated fashion. More sophisticated than paraphrasing, synthesis involves assigning value to…
| 5,347 5,347 playsTheories vary by discipline. Education-related disciplines use many of the same theories as other social sciences.
| 6,690 6,690 playsTheoretical frameworks exist to connect concepts and topics relevant to your research to broader areas of knowledge. While there is no one right theoretical framework…
| 5,420 5,420 playsScholarly research relies on a strong foundation. What has already been discovered about a topic as found in the literature provides important material. The…
| 1,825 1,825 playsResearch exposes you to current practices, shows you how the theories and models in your textbooks have evolved, and demonstrates applications. As graduate students,…
| 2,120 2,120 playsPlagiarism is the use of someone else’s work without giving appropriate credit. Plagiarism can happen intentionally or through negligence. Avoiding and…
| 2,280 2,280 playsGraduate students develop their scholarly voice with practice. Scholars use the work of others and their own research as sources when they write. Effective use of…