| 5,730 5,730 playsTriangulation is a method used by researchers to increase the credibility and validity of their studies. This presentation defines types of triangulation and how to…
| 1,512 1,512 playsWhile Institutional Review Board (IRB) is often required, action research is not always subject to such oversight. This presentation emphasizes the need to clarify…
| 1,243 1,243 playsAction research can serve as an effective strategy for educational and organizational change. The goal is to create an environment in which research drives decision…
| 1,220 1,220 playsA workable action plan is necessary for action research to promote and foster change. This presentation outlines the specific steps needed to guide researchers into…
| 1,255 1,255 playsAction research is conducted with the specific goal of promoting change. For this to occur, leaders must be able to analyze the results and then convey them in a…
| 752 752 playsThrough the acquisition of advanced knowledge and skills, early childhood professionals are able to guide and support others. Engaging in research provides the…
| 1,290 1,290 playsSince the goal of action research is to take action, the target audience is critical. This presentation explains how to match a target audience with a research…
| 1,972 1,972 playsUltimately, researchers should communicate the results of their work to audiences interested in the findings. This presentation discusses how to best communicate…
| 1,632 1,632 playsNote: Click Play, and then click anywhere on the video to launch this interactive presentation in a new window/tab, or use the link below. This interactive matching…
| 1,830 1,830 playsAlthough qualitative and quantitative data are analyzed differently, both are used to identify trends and patterns. Data must be carefully examined for research to be…
| 1,757 1,757 playsThe interpretation of research findings emerges from effective data collection and analysis. Through analysis, data are systematically analyzed to identify trends and…
| 1,008 1,008 playsEarly childhood professionals should be able to evaluate existing research and conduct data analysis in their own research. Development of these analytical skills are…
| 242 242 playsTriangulation is a method used by researchers to increase the credibility and validity of their studies. This presentation defines types of triangulation and how to…
| 1,969 1,969 playsValidity refers to the appropriate use of data in a research study. Reliability references consistency in measurement. Both validity and reliability are essential for…
| 1,974 1,974 playsObservation is another method used to gather data in action research. Like interviews, observations may be structured or unstructured depending on the type of data…